Keynote Speech
Speaker: Catholijn Jonker, Professor, TU Delft, The Netherlands

Biography: Prof. dr. Catholijn Jonker is head of the Interactive Intelligence group of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Computer Science, TU Delft. Jonker is also full professor of Explainable Artificial Intelligence at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science of Leiden University. She is president of IFAAMAS, board member and a Fellow of EurAI, member of the Academia Europaea, president of ICT Platform of the Netherlands, member of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities, member of the CLAIRE National Advisory Board for The Netherlands. In the past she was chair of the Dutch Network of Female Full Professors and of De Jonge Akademie of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. Prestigious grants are the NWO VICI (1.5 M€, 2007) personal grant negotiation support systems, and NWO Gravitation consortium grants on “Hybrid Intelligence” (19 M€ subsidy, 41.9 M€, 2019) of which she is vice-coordinator, and “Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies” (18 M€ subsidy, 23.6 M€, 2019) of which she is co-applicant.
Title:Meaningful Human Control in Hybrid Intelligence
Abstract: Hybrid Intelligence is the intelligence emerging from a true collaboration between human and artificial intelligence. The future of humankind is determined more and more by the results of a co-evolution process of humans and their technology. Artificial intelligence is a force to be reckoned with as the autonomous intelligence it creates is still developed mostly from a business perspective to supplant people, thus reducing costs and increasing efficiency of current workprocesses. In this talk I present the different view of hybrid intelligence in which humans and artificial intelligence work together to achieve dreams that so far are beyond human capcatity and in which the co-evolution of human and artificial intelligence will foster and advance human intelligence as well as artificial intelligence. When talking about artificial intelligence with a high dose of autonomy and working alongside humans, the issue of Meaningful Human Control is vital for our immediate and long-term safety. After explaining the notion of Meaningful Human Control I sketch the prinicples of co-active design and design for values that we need to achieve Meaningful Human Control in Hybrid Intelligence.Technology for Hybrid intelligence itself can play a major role in the necessary co-deliberation and co-creation process of the co-active design of Hybrid Intelligence.